Monday, January 18, 2010


sorry i haven't written in a while guys!!! i've been pretty busy. i probably won't be able to post again for a few days. but if any of you are reading this, i thank you for your support! thank-you!!!

Sarah Meg

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Blog Post Ever!!!

Hi everybody! My name is Sarah and I read somebody's blog that made me want to start my own. I have been knitting for about 4 years now, and actually haven't made much yet. Once I finish a few more things, I'll post pictures of things I've made. There's a Knit Group at my church that I go to and have made great friends there. One in particular, Dee, has a son who was in my nursery for a few months(not my age, I work in the 7-14 month olds nursery). She has just been such a blessing to me, and just the sweetest person I have ever met. She's actually the one who first invited me to Knit Group. She picks me up and we go every week. She tells it like it is and doesn't hold anything back. She has been there for me in some really hard times, but also some really good times. This Saturday she and I are going to Knit Group and then are going to scrapbook at our church. Ssssooooo excited!!! I have a binder that is just chock-full of un-made knitting patterns. I can't wait to make them and put the pictures and patterns up! In fact, I'm going to put some of them up today. So, you'll see some posts in the nest few hours! Thanks for reading!

Sarah Meg